The NYCT's 'eXspaminator' will eliminate most spam before you receive the unwanted messages in your email box.

How can I defend my email from spam attacks? It's simple! You now have access to the eXspaminator, NYCT's custom built first line of defense. Just point your web browser to Log on with your usual username and password to begin.

Once you're in, you can easily protect your account from unwanted email. The basic filters can be set up in minutes, drastically reducing the most common junk mail you receive in your inbox. After giving the filter a name of your choice, the only other step in the basic filter process is to choose a word to that indicates a common piece of junk mail. A quick look at the subject headings of current spam messages in your inbox should give you a good idea of what words are unique to these junk mailings. The system allows you to create as many of these filters as you need. The advanced filters are more specific, but are just as easy to use. In the advanced settings you can eliminate emails that are sent to multiple addresses and can also specify certain domains and senders from which you will not accept mail. Also, in order to avoid accidentally filtering out the mail you want, the advanced settings allow you to specify criteria that will ensure that important mail gets to your inbox. The user manual on the tool currently explains the process and will soon be updated to further assist you. With the eXspaminator you can forever forget about annoying junk mail.

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